Saturday, 1 October 2016

All caught what?

We're all caught up.  I've shared with you now all the posts about Kiefer's health that I had previously shared.

The truth is I haven't shared much of our journey with Kiefer publicly.  Not because I've wanted to keep it private - but mostly because I'm processing it all.  I didn't share because I still had my own questions - I didn't want the questions from others because I had no answers myself.  And quite honestly, I didn't want the pressure of following through with a million suggestions.

"Have you tried the keto diet?"

"Have you tried paleo diet?"

"Have you tried medicinal marijuana?"

"You know I saw a documentary on...blah blah blah"

"You should see this doctor I know"

"You should try this therapy my friend tried"

"Have you read any books?"

"Are you doing research online?"

"What therapies is he in?"

ALL well meaning.  All from a place of love.  But when you are bombarded with them - it's overwhelming and you just want to retreat.  You want to retreat into your warm bed, complete with magic covers, and cradle that little baby you brought into this world.  You want to bubble wrap him and protect him from the world that you are CERTAIN is going to hurt him.

I'm gearing up and getting ready to share more.  I'm sorry it's been a slow progression here on Prognosis Happy.  Our days are mostly normal.  We are one of the lucky ones.  We only have to visit Sick Kids 1-2 times a year.  We treat what we can, we work on what we struggle with and let the rest go.

We enjoy our happy little boy.

I hope to post an update about our medical situation soon.  For now, I'm logging off to spend some time with my boy, his brothers and their father.

Stay happy.  Stay healthy.
